MediDrink Opload is a food for special medical purposes for the preoperative dietary management of surgery patients.
MediDrink OpLoad is a clear, carbohydrate-rich (100 energy%) ready-to-drink liquid sip feed.
Energy distribution:
- Protein: 0%
- Carbohydrates: 100%
- Fat: 0%
- Fiber: 0%
Intended for preoperative carbohydrate loading to decrease the risk of postoperative insulin resistance and subsequent postoperative complications.
- Can be given up to 2 hours before induction of anaesthesia.
Recommended dosage for adults: 2 packs 12 hours before surgery, and an additional pack 2 hours before surgery. Do not consume within 2 hours before surgery. Use with caution in patients with insulin resistance or diabetes and in children aged 3-6 years.
- Halaal and Kosher
- Clinically gluten and lactose-free
Important: Use with caution in patients with insulin resistance or diabetes and children aged 3-6 years.
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