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Easy to use and affordable Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system

Waterproof NightRider BluCon

The flagship product of Ambrosia, BluCon, is a NFC (Near Field Communication) to BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) electronic transmitter. When attached to passive NFC tags like FreeStyle Libre (FSL) and FreeStyle Libre Pro sensor, BluCon transmits glucose readings to a mobile app enabling Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) on the go.

Ambrosia offers two types of BluCon – Non Waterproof NightRider BluCon and Waterproof NightRider BluCon.

nightrider waterproof

Waterproof NightRider BluCon

Product works equally well over iPhone, Android phones, iPod and Apple/Android watches. BluCon was awarded CE mark in early 2017

How does the BluCon NightRider work

KR Instr 1

Wear the sensor as per the instructions

KR Instr 2

Download LinkBluCon app from the Apple App Store/Google Play Store.

KKR Instr 3

Launch the LinkBluCon app by tapping on the app icon located on the phone screen.

count 4

Press the switch located in the hole on the BluCon with a small pin to turn it on.

KKR Instr 5

A RED light will flash for a split second, indicating that the BluCon is on

KR Instr 6

Tap on the Scan button located near the bottom of the screen. A pop-up message appears seeking Bluetooth permission. Click Ok

Tap on the Scan button again. If you get a message stating No BluCon found, tap the Scan button again Keep doing this until a message is displayed saying Blucon found.

KR Inst 7

Enter the 6 digit passcode printed on the side of the BluCon to the right of the serial number

KR Instr 8

Once the BluCon is connected to the app, place the BluCon above the sensor with the help of an armband or double sided tape to see glucose readings on the phone. Sometimes it may take up to 6 minutes before the first reading appears.

KR Box

Everything You Need to Know About Your NightRider

With every painless scan, you will receive your current glucose readings. A trend arrow will appear indicating the direction in which your glucose is headed. In addition, you can view your glucose history for the last 30 days. This will help you understand how food, activity and insulin are affecting your glucose levels — day and night.


Continuous Monitoring Every 5 Minutes




Small Size and Comfortable to Wear


Compact and Light Weight

Disclaimer: Freestyle libre Sensor is a trademark of Abbott Diabetes Care Inc.
Ambrosia Systems Inc. does not have any Partnership Agreement or any kind of relationship with Abbott Diabetic Care or Abbott Laboratories.
Ambrosia apps and device are not FDA approved. Hence, do not use the glucose readings to take any medical decisions.

Terms and Conditions: 

  • The CDE Pharmacy (Pty) Ltd t/a The Centre Pharmacy is an authorised distributor for the Waterproof NightRider BluCon electronic transmitter.
  • The CDE Pharmacy provides a 30-day only money back guarantee on all NightRider BluCon transmitterspurchased through their online and retail stores
  • The CDE Pharmacy does not provide technical support for the Nightrider BluCon product
  • Returns are only facilitated by CDE Pharmacy
  • There are no delivery fees associated with the Waterproof NightRider BluCon reader

Technical queries or help can be found on


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BluCon is an electronic device which reads data from any compatible NFC tag and sends data to any Bluetooth enabled device. BluCon is not a medical device. It is an electronic device which reads data from the Abbott sensor and sends that data to a mobile app without making any changes to that data.

If you find any issues with connecting back to iPhone after direct connection to Apple watch, you should go to phone settings and unpair the NightRider, then open the LinkBluCon app and pair again the NightRider. In case you are not getting new readings on Apple watch in direct-mode or Apple watch screen does not show any glucose numbers, reinstall the LinkBluCon app on the Apple watch.

“Please unpair and pair the device from the phone Bluetooth settings. Here are the steps given below:

1. Go to Phone Bluetooth settings and unpair the device by tapping on BLU… (device name) and then ‘Forget this device’
2. Restart the phone, and follow the directions on quick reference guide.”

You can use a knife with a sharp tip and insert that between the NightRider edge and Libre sensor and twist the knife a bit. This way you can separate it.

“Seems NightRider pairing is not done correctly. If you look at the “About” screen of the LinkBluCon app, see what is after “BluCon firmware version”. If this is empty then your pairing is not done correctly.

1. To pair correctly, please go to phone Bluetooth settings screen and unpair “BLU…” device
2. Open the LinkBluCon app, select the option “Connect To BluCon” and then tap on “Scan” button. Reset the NightRider by pressing the switch one time in the hole with a pin (if you see RED light blink for a split of a second that means NightRider is turned ON if you don’t see RED light, press one more time)
3. When you see pop-up to enter the passcode, enter the six digit number printed on the side of the NightRider, Once you press the switch in the hole you have about 10 seconds to enter the code.
4. You should see GREEN link icon on the screen, a reading will appear in a couple of minutes.

“Please do following steps again.

1. Go to the phone bluetooth settings and unpair the device by tapping on BLU… ( device name) and then ‘Forget this device’
2. Restart the phone
3. Open the Link BluCon app
4. Select the “Connect to BluCon” option
5. Tap on the scan button and reset the NightRider ( Make sure you see red light blink for a split of a second when press the switch in the hole)
[ Note: Press the switch gently only one time with a pin if you don’t see red light blink press one more time]
6. Enter the 6 digit passcode printed on the side of the NightRider after serial number and on the box below the serial number

In future, when you pair the nightrider in direct mode to apple watch, and then switch back the connection to iPhone you need to pair again.”

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The CDE Pharmacy (Pty) Ltd
T/A The Centre Pharmacy

Pharmacy Nr: Y03847
81 Central Street, Houghton Estate
P.O.Box 2900, Saxonwold, 2132, South Africa
Tel: +27117126000
Fax: +27117286661

Responsible Pharmacist: Imraan Ahmed Bismilla