GUDGU Lemonade Cordial 750ml

GUDGU Lemonade Cordial 750ml

Enjoy as a refreshing coldrink, or as a GUDGU Cocktail or Mocktail – make a “Mojito”:  GUDGU Lemonade Cordial, soda water, fresh mint, lemon and/or lime slices, a small red chilli or sliced strawberry.  Add gin, rum or vodka.

ingredients: lemon juice, xylitol, stevia.

warning: excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.

allergens: none.

shake well – refrigerate after opened

R142.47 R113.98

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GUDGU Lemonade Cordial 750ml

Enjoy as a refreshing coldrink, or as a GUDGU Cocktail or Mocktail – make a “Mojito”:  GUDGU Lemonade Cordial, soda water, fresh mint, lemon and/or lime slices, a small red chilli or sliced strawberry.  Add gin, rum or vodka.

ingredients: lemon juice, xylitol, stevia.

warning: excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.

allergens: none.

shake well – refrigerate after opened


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81 Central Street, Houghton Estate
P.O.Box 2900, Saxonwold, 2132, South Africa
Tel: +27117126000
Fax: +27117286661

Responsible Pharmacist: Imraan Ahmed Bismilla